Box of Delights BBC - Eastnor Castle
About 25 years ago, we had the chance to be the location for a BBC film of John Masefield’s story, The Box of Delights. It was a very appropriate choice as Masefield was a Ledbury poet, and now local people in the Ledbury area will have the chance to see the film again - see the Ledbury Reporter.
It is fun having a film at Eastnor, but hard work. We are with the crews all the time they are on site, and they start early. The BBC crews, in particular, are used to working in historic houses and treat the contents with care. They usually have everything they want in the way of props, but occasionally we can help with more authentic items form the collection.
I will always remember the Box of Delights filming because one night we arrived from London to see the North Wall of the house in flames. As we arrived in the Courtyard, our fears were further increased by seeing a number of fire engines parked there. But all was well. It was a special effects fire, created well away from the wall but not obviously so from a distance. The fire engines were there just in case - fact took over from fiction.
JH-B 20th November 2009